As I was sitting in Sociology today I had a thought. What does success actually mean? Now this may not be what anyone else thinks about, but freshman year has brought about some new thoughts. In our society, success comes in two categories more or less. Academic success and monetary success are the two. Fame could be the third category, but fame fades with time unless there are other circumstances (money). As I thought about this I felt apprehensive about my being in college and to what I was working towards. I am working towards stability which is monetary success with a different name. Everyone is doing the same as well, but what if being successful meant something else? For example, what if success was not following the crowd or not doing drugs or being innovative? Well I know many would say that that is success, but is it really? Many of those things go unnoticed unless there is an A+ stamped on it or if it were backed by some large amount of capital. That’s all we care about. Being personable is also becoming less and less necessary. A highly efficient brain is all that matters. There are many intelligent scientist or businessmen who are geniuses and only have their job because they have a highly convoluted brain. This is so not fair! There are many smart people who do not have high marks as well. Having a 4.0 GPA or straight A’s can mean three things: you’re actually smart or you work very hard or a combination of both. However, I have seen more people who work very hard and appear smart when they actually have no common sense or awareness of the world around them. They could tell you the Schrodinger equation, but couldn’t tell you what was happening on the other side of the world. My favorite is when the 4.0 premed students don’t know what the state of health care
in America. That made me laugh. Well this was just another rant. Now I know it is hard to award and rate success by other ways than academics and money, but it is possible.
Another Disclaimer!?
Yes yes another disclaimer. I am not saying that if you aren’t rich or intelligent (which is relative) that you aren’t successful. Success comes in many different forms. My main argument is that many of the simple successes go unnoticed or unacknowledged when they should be .
One love,