This cannot be happening. This cannot be happening. Yes. Why, yes. It happened. So recently I have been finding out some not so surprising news that was actually surprising. The amount of pre-meds has decreased with seniority while the disdain for pre-meds has increased. According to everyone in the universe this is essentially the normal correlation that is supposed to happen. Like many professors do- my Organic Chemistry teacher did so- they begin a class with: “Look to your left and look to your right. There is a higher chance that they will not be here come junior year”. To be honest, the girl on my left was not pre-med and was doing a 5-year biomedical engineering program while the girl to my right was a pre-med insanity machine and was pretty much accepted by default. I don’t know what he was talking about but as far as I’m concerned their butts were going to still be there and behold, they were. You can see where my doubts about people falling off the pre-med track stem from. I was surrounded, thanks to gung-ho friends and buddies from research lab, by people who did not know what failing was. Failing was an A-. Again…my doubts were high.
However, come the Summer when I got a job within the Natural Sciences College, I noticed that the pre-meds were in the minority. One of my friends/coworker/student from Ochem lab told me that she was pre-Physician Assistant. I was like wahhhhhh!!!???? Every other person who had a Science major in the room didn’t know what they were doing with their degree. O.o
I was shocked. How can you not know where you going, you know? Psh. Come to find out those who are not pre-med or pre-grad or pre-health are just in limbo. I’m like…what other category is there? To go into industry I would assume you need a Ph.D, but what does little me know? I just never would have thought that that many people would drop the pre-med track. They weren’t even struggling either! They just dumped it. I’m like THAT’S NOT FAIR. I want to flippin’ go to Medical School and am struggling and they are off gallivanting with their 4.0 stamped on their chest with nothing to do with it. UGH.
One last thing. When the pre-med question comes about there is this groan that always results.
“Are you pre-med?”
“Yes, I am”
“Oh. What a surprise.” awkward silence as the conversation comes to an abrupt halt
I did not know being pre-med was such a turn off…