Nothing like vanity and a good dose of monotony to get you to change something! This will be short…I hope. Today I looked in the mirror and did not like what I saw like many women of America. This brought up some issues I have with myself:
1. Self-denial
2. Lack of self-control when it comes to food (This probably sheds light on some other issues)
3. Constant introversion at inconvenient times
4. Fear of change when it (change) is needed the most
The list goes on, but who wants to read that? Anyways this got me prompted to change, rather, say I am going to change for the billionth time. To try and eradicate number one I shall tell myself that I don’t like the way I look instead of accepting my unhealthy trajectory at the moment because it is true. I miss my old healthy body. To fix number 2 I will remind myself incessantly of number one and choose that salad instead of those chicken wings breaded with a side of blue cheese dressing. Number 3 just needs work. Number 4 will have to be taken with responsibility. Many things in my life have changed. Many things in my life have changed me. Many things in my life I must change to be…awesome for lack of a better adjective at this hour. I must change how I be Ashley in order for the better model to surface. Vacation, emotional drama, academic dilemmas, family etc will hopefully stop being an excuse. I pin about change, health, and academics. It’s about time I do them. After all, it’s not like I can’t. I just haven’t. Let’s see if that changes.