I recently came back from Austin after celebrating with friends for New Year’s Eve to be greeted with a refrigerator full of cabbage, spinach, coconut milk, and a bunch of other plant products in various forms. The New Year has definitely kick started my parents, especially my dad, into intense health mode. the weird thing is, they were never really unhealthy. Now, they’re going down right orthorexic on me. The first thing they showed me upon arrival back at home was carrot juice. This wasn’t just any carrot juice according to my dad either. He whipped it up really quickly and dared me to try it. Now, my dad is one to venture into unfamiliar territory quite frequently in anything so I am very acclimated to challenging my taste buds and my life quite frankly (just kidding, but seriously). You can see some of his creations here. Our family adventures, however, must be heard. Now back to the rabbit food…
He proceeded to pour this crazy orange liquid into a cup along with coconut milk and then grabbed this mug full of green vinaigrette-like craziness and put a teaspoon of it into the mix. I cringed.
All I wanted to do was eat a cheeseburger with extra cheese. However, to my surprise, the flavor was actually quite awesome, but would taste better as a smoothie in my opinion.
All in all dad didn’t do half bad with this one! It was perfectly ice cold when I drank it and the cilantro/celery juice added the perfect punch. I don’t know the exact recipe but it’s pretty simple:
Berto’s Carrot Juice:
- Carrot Juice (store bought or made from actual carrots as Papa Berto did)
- Coconut milk Vanilla flavored
- sugar/sweetener to taste
- celery juice infused with cilantro (juice celery and let the cilantro sit in it over night or blend together)
- Parsley for decoration
Then you are done! Good one Papa Huevo. I can actually eat this one. ^.^