SO. Vegan is going very well. I only slipped like once on mom’s meatloaf. (It was only one slice!) Tossing out the dairy wasn’t bad at all except for eggs.
Now here’s the challenge. Variety. For the past 3 days it has been great but we are eating very much the same thing. What I also find is that many carbs become a staple for me. YIKES. That isn’t what I planned! I am making up for the little meat I ate and for the tons of eggs I usually consume with carbs and not leafy greens though I confess my daily intake of them is much higher than usual. Win. Side note: my skin is clearing up!
Anyways, this isn’t working. I still eat sugar as well. Potato chips are still available and granola is my favorite, but this is very high in calories especially if I am not heavily active. I realized that you cannot be a lazy dietary vegan. You can’t rely solely on vegetables for nutrition as in you can’t just eat salads all day because seriously, no one wants to do that ish. My five days will have to be active in veganism minus the slip ups I know will happen. Yes, I am eating better, but my carbohydrate and sugar intake has spiked.
For me, this will not suffice. So, TO THE INTERWEBS. I went to one of my favorite blogger’s websites ( and checked it out. Here are a few of the sites I found that she linked to that I will definitely try! There are obviously a ton more, but this is a good jumping off point. yay!