First, check out this parody below
I thought it was hilarious and ironic considering what these ladies are talking about are kind of what Lorde is speaking against/about in a way, but it is funny nonetheless and makes fun of what a ton of people in my newsfeed gush about and do.
What’s even funnier is that I am low-key guilty of some of these antics:
Pop chips
Y’all come on. Everybody eats those! They’re super cheap and I love that they are 100 calories and satiate my craving for french fries. It takes effort to be healthy or attempt to be healthy!
No, I don’t do crossfit because it is expensive as all get out but I do do high interval training. It’s like, the newest way to be like, fit, but like, not skinny! Haha.
Veggie Pizza
It better be thin crust, too! All dat bread goes straight to my thighs and booty and kills the 500 crunches you did that week. Plus veggie pizza makes you feel less guilty because it has the least amount of calories next to cheese pizza and you get to slide in a serving of veggies.
Painting Toenails
What girl doesn’t do this when they can?
The cup song
Everybody and their mama did this. Just last week the cup song was turned into a drinking game at a gathering I went to. Plus, it takes some coordination. Don’t knock it till you try it. PS: I loved Pitch Perfect
Perfect Hair
Um, more like easy hair. I am just gonna boast about my hair for a bit excuse me:
I have gotten the biggest compliments on my hair when I haven’t done it in DAYS. I can rock three different lengths without cutting my hair or using extensions. My hair can hold curls like nobody’s business sans humidity. Also, everyone expects my hair to look messy so I never have to put effort into it…FALSE. But basically I win. #notsohumblebrag
Which white girl antics are you guilty of? I know you are guilty of some…I mean everyone does selfies…