Ahhhh shooooooot. Here’s another one! We have hipsters. We have blipsters (black hipsters). Now, we have mipsters (Muslim hipsters)! I was procrastinating last night on studying and stumbled across this video from Mipsterz:
It was featured on this Buzzfeed Article and this Huffington Post Article . It has been received with mix reviews…
Now, I am not Muslim and do not know the culture and customs that go along with the religion (thank you, America, ugh) and therefore have no say in the matter, but as an outsider looking in, superficially, I see women who look completely at ease with who they are. They are beautiful. Like, all of them. HOW!? They also look normal. This “normalcy” of the hijab and what it stands for is another critique of the video, but to me, an outsider, I think it is wonderful that so much confidence exuded from the short clip considering what I have seen associated with hijabs has more often than not been in a negative light. I have no opinion on the matter except that I thought all of them looked cool, funky, and fresh. So you go, Mipsters, You go, girls!