Today is my father’s birthday and a day off for me so I took advantage of being able to finally eat a sit-down breakfast during the week with my mother and father for his birthday. Because I am quite the early bird I woke up bright and early and made these delectable vegan blueberry muffins […]
White on White Crime Terrorizes Waco in Twin Peaks Massacre
The above title would be the headline if crimes committed by White people were presented with the same level of alarm and fear as crimes committed by Black people. Nine men were killed in a gang fight involving knives and guns and what I find disturbingly not surprising is how the media downplayed this overt […]
Michael Brown was not a boy, he was a ‘demon’– Aljazeera Opinion Piece
An article from Aljazeera bearing the title above raised some eyebrows, but enticed my head to slowly nod. Feel free to peruse the article in its entirety, but one particular quote hit a chord with me about the tragedy: “After all, we live in an age where many Americans will gleefully dump ice water on […]
My home away from home
Welp, I am a teacher now! Check out the room More info to come later!
This is a test. Will it work?
Is this thing still a thang? #thoughtswhileinchurch
Morning rituals and GoT
5:45 am awakening | 6 am yoga | Game of Thrones and Black Coffee Little did I know at this pictured scene what was to unfold…kind of. I mean, a character is never safe in Game of Thrones because it is a Game. Of. Thrones. Moreover, I now know that I should have read those […]
I am so tired and you should be too.
Let me vent? I am so tired of race. I am so tired of all these racially charged articles despite their good intentions, ill-formed arguments, and their relatability all over my Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. I am so tired of telling white acquaintances what it feels like. I am so tired of being told it […]
Flashback Friday: Kathleen Cleaver
In honor of Flashback Friday, I would like to bring to the attention of unaware specimens, Kathleen Cleaver. You may recognize her name from her affiliation with the Black Panther Party. However, this is a minor point in my opinion. Kathleen Cleaver was (is) a very intelligent and knowledgeable woman. (Um, more like a […]
Coffee Chronicles: Have coffee, will study
I have been wanting to write this for such a long time. In order to get acclimated to the sunny city of San Diego I have been finding coffee shops and cafes where I can set up camp and knock out a couple hours of studies. I have been very fortunate to be able to […]
What is a post-baccalaureate program?
Ah, the infamous question that pops during small talk of all kinds because people just genuinely want to know what you’re doing in life because they are nosy they care. Post-baccalaureate programs are essentially intense focused programs that gear their participants (usually those who have already acquired a bachelor’s) into or toward a certain field. […]